Architectural Excellence Design & COTE Awards
Opportunities and Benefits
Here are some opportunities that may influence your firm’s decision to enter work in the AIA Pennsylvania Architectural Excellence Design & COTE Awards.
Re-submit Past Projects
Project Timeline Eligibility
Project Credit Eligibility
Partner on a project with another architecture firm? Projects entered by the submitting firm, as Architect of Record and/or Design Architect, must have at least one Principal that is a current AIA Pennsylvania architect member.
Repurpose Submission Compilations
Flexible minimum and maximum page count for the “Digital Project Binder” upload gives applicants greater ease and the opportunity to repurpose for local chapter award submissions.
The Digital Project Binder (PDF) must include a minimum of nine (9) pages and a maximum of 26 pages at 25 MB max. Entries in the "Small Project" category are the exception and may include a minimum of (5) pages. Landscape layout (11x8.5”) or preferably widescreen layout (16:9 aspect ratio; 1920x1080 pixels) is the required format.
COTE Awards Opt-In
The COTE Awards is an opt-in program with a separate jury review and assessment. To be eligible for the Architectural Excellence COTE Awards, a project(s) must meet the eligibility criteria and be submitted to the Architectural Excellence Design Awards.
Showcase Your Work
Refine and Repurpose the Pitch
Submitting your project is a great way to refine how you communicate about your work and use your project’s narrative in other elements of your marketing, communications, and business development.
Boost Employee, Team, and Client Morale
Participation in awards programs recognize and celebrate your team’s hard work, boosting employee morale as well as client and partner/consultant relationships.
Benchmark Project Performance
Participation in the opt-in COTE Awards, a separately juried program and opportunity for recognition, is an opportunity to get acquainted with AIA’s Framework for Design Excellence, a holistic approach to assess technical building performance metrics and how your designs address interdependence among people, buildings, infrastructure, and the environment.
Celebrate with the Local and Regional Community
Annually, AIA Pennsylvania and local chapter and firm partners will be host the awards broadcast debut and accompanying local viewing parties, providing several opportunities for our design community and industry professionals to gather to celebrate and foster knowledge, collaboration, partnerships, and project opportunities.