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Daryn Edwards

AIA Philadelphia


CICADA Architecture

Daryn brings his amiable and consensus-building style to each project he touches. A tireless advocate for community development, Daryn applies lessons learned from these often budget-constrained projects to find unique opportunities to create expressive architectural forms through material use as well as a conscientious integration of proportion and balance. This approach and process transition easily to the many other project types Daryn has designed, detailed, and documented over the last 20 years.

As an active member of his community, Daryn volunteers his time with a number of organizations. Daryn is an engaged volunteer for the Community Design Collaborative where he currently serves as Co-Chair of the Board of Directors. As a founding member of the consolidated Habitat for Humanity Philadelphia affiliate, Daryn served as board president in his final year. Also active in his neighborhood, Daryn coaches his son’s team in the Capitolo Youth Soccer Association and is co-chair of the Passyunk Square Civic Association’s Planning Committee.

Contact Info

AIA Pennsylvania

(717) 236 4055

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