She is one of only three lobbyists dedicated to an association’s interests
Join us in celebrating AIA Pennsylvania’s Director of Legislative Affairs, Amal Mahrouki. For the second year in a row, the Central Penn Business Journal has named her to its Lobbyist Power List. Mahrouki is one of only three lobbyists dedicated to an association’s interests named to the list of 30 lobbyists. She has been with AIA Pennsylvania since 2014 and has held her current position for seven years.
She says one of the most challenging obstacles is being patient while constantly playing offense and defense simultaneously. Passing a bill can take a long time, and it rarely happens alone. “Building coalitions and uniting groups that don’t agree has been my biggest obstacle. The issues we deal with can be heated, but if two groups can get past the parts they disagree on and focus on commonalities, it makes a daunting task feel a little easier,” Mahrouki said.
“I have been fortunate to be exposed to many issues and causes, albeit some more exciting than others. Much of architects’ advocacy centers around their responsibility to safeguard public health, safety, and welfare and how good design can lead to much better outcomes. Some of the current issues I am always eager to discuss include housing, community design and planning, small business issues, school facilities, energy and the environment, and current pathways to architecture and licensure,” she said.
Most recently, in 2023, Amal was also honored by two publications, appearing on their “Forty Under 40” lists, which recognized her professional and personal achievements.
City & State Pennsylvania’s “Forty Under 40” recognizes a prestigious group of young changemakers making a difference across the state through their professional passion and skill. Amal shares more about herself and her work advocating for Pennsylvania’s architects in her profile.
The Central Penn Business Journal’s “Forty Under 40” Awards recognize the future leaders of Central Pennsylvania under 40. These individuals are honored for achieving success in their careers and giving back in meaningful ways to the Central Pennsylvania community.
Earlier in 2023, Mahrouki was also named a Women of Influence by the Central Penn Business Journal.