AIA Pennsylvania is proud to share our annual publication featuring a 2022 Year in Review, Architectural Excellence Showcase, and Firm Directory. As its name suggests, the publication recaps 2022’s achievements, programs, and initiatives, celebrates the Architectural Excellence Design, COTE, and Special Awards recipients, and recognizes last year’s Architectural Excellence Design Awards finalists.
The publication also features an index of resources for architects, our allied members, and partners who support the profession and the chapter. A directory of Pennsylvania’s architecture firms*, including 2022’s EPiC Firms, serves as a resource for those looking to hire an architect, partner on a project, or inquire about career opportunities.
At the end of 2022, AIA Pennsylvania President Adam Trott, AIA, highlighted ongoing and new efforts to position architects at the forefront of the issues impacting the profession and the Commonwealth’s communities. As we approach the 2nd quarter of 2023, with President Roger Williams, AIA, at the helm, AIA Pennsylvania’s Executive Director Stephen Swarney reminds the membership, nearly 3,000 architects and industry professionals, of the many ways the chapter works to support you.
AIA Pennsylvania can help by freeing you to do what do…practice architecture. We can help you with advocacy, human relations needs, answering legal questions, with making connections with state and local groups, by building bridges with others in the design community, and by providing inspirational speakers and value-driven educational offerings. Allow us to be a partner in helping you with all the things you need to be a successful practitioner of your craft.
In browsing this publication, we hope you will take pride in the efforts of your member peers and staff to move AIA Pennsylvania and the profession forward in 2022. We invite you to draw inspiration from the nearly 75 profiles of great architecture, architects, individuals, and teams advancing the profession and the built environment for a better quality of life for all.
Drop us a line to let us know where you would like to contribute or where you see an opportunity to help us help you, Pennsylvania’s architects, do more work that matters.