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AIA Pennsylvania is your resource for the latest events and programs for architects and industry professionals to learn, engage, and advance in the profession.
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August 1 - August 31, 2024
District Days
District Days is AIA Pennsylvania’s annual grassroots advocacy event and an opportunity to mobilize the membership to meet with our state’s legislators to establish architects as a resource to address the challenges facing their district and the state. It’s also an opportunity to introduce and remind lawmakers of architects’ contributions and expertise throughout their districts and beyond. The primary goal...

April 9, 2024
Architects Action Day
Architects Action Day is an annual opportunity for the chapter leadership, on behalf of the membership, to remind lawmakers and their staff what architects do, offer AIA Pennsylvania as a resource, and inform them of a few key issues, as curated by our Government Affairs staff and leadership. Teams of chapter leadership, split up by region from across the state,...
The Pennsylvania Capitol, 501 North 3rd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17120, USA

February 27 - March 1, 2024
AIA Leadership Summit 2024
AIA Leadership Summit 2024 is the premier advocacy and leadership training event for AIA chapter leaders. This annual event is designed to help AIA chapter leaders maximize their leadership potential in their chapters, communities, and the architecture profession. Over four days, you’ll learn how to hone your leadership skills, connect advocacy outreach with leadership for better outcomes, and apply best...
Grand Hyatt Washington, H Street Northwest, Washington D.C., DC, USA
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