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District Days

August 1 - August 31, 2024

Rebecca Lowe, AIA, meets with Senator Camera Bartolotta for District Days 2023

District Days is AIA Pennsylvania’s annual grassroots advocacy event and an opportunity to mobilize the membership to meet with our state’s legislators to establish architects as a resource to address the challenges facing their district and the state. It’s also an opportunity to introduce and remind lawmakers of architects’ contributions and expertise throughout their districts and beyond.

The primary goal of the District Days meetings is to build relationships with legislators through discussions around work and life in the district. These relationships are critical to furthering the profession and AIA Pennsylvania’s standing as a go-to resource for our elected officials to position us for better outcomes when we call on them to support the architects’ position throughout the legislative session.

Steps for Advocacy Success

Here’s a step-by-step review of the District Days pre-meeting action items that will set you up for success.

1. Identify Your Legislators

Identify your state legislators (Senator and Representative) by inputting your home address in the “Find Your Legislator” feature. You will be asked to identify your legislators at registration.

2. Register with Your Availability 

We encourage you to meet in person in your legislators’ district office or host a “take your legislator to work” visit. Register yourself or your office* with your preferences and availability for August by Friday, July 12, so we can get your meetings on the books.

3. Register for the District Days Primer

We will host a preparatory webinar on Tuesday, July 23, at 11:00 am to cover a step-by-step roadmap for your meetings. On-demand replay access will be made available to those that cannot attend.

4. Review the Blueprint

In July, we will distribute a District Days “Blueprint” to participants, covering step-by-step guidance for in-meeting, post-meeting, and some helpful dos and don’ts.

5. Schedule a Pre-Meeting (if applicable)

Hosting your legislator(s) in your office? Do some reconnaissance to determine if your colleagues are constituents and invite them to participate in the visit/meeting. If you are meeting with your legislator in a group or hosting them in your office, schedule a pre-meeting with all participants/colleagues to adapt the blueprint to work for your group.

*If you are a Principal or Firm Leader, consider hosting your legislator(s) at your office. Legislators are elected to serve you based on your residential address. Suppose your legislator(s)’ territory does not include your firm’s office. In that case, we will look at several factors before extending the invite. A firm visit will allow your legislator to see firsthand how your work impacts clients and communities in their district, throughout the Commonwealth, and beyond.