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Empowering the Future: Emerging Architects through Mentorship

March 20, 2024 | 4 - 5 pm

AIA Pennsylvania
240 North 3rd Street
Harrisburg, PA 17101


Join AIA Central Pennsylvania and the AIA Pennsylvania Emerging Professionals Committee (EPiC) on a journey to accelerate the growth of your architecture practices’ emerging professionals. Recognizing the invaluable role of support and mentorship in the pursuit of licensure and hands-on experience, this course emphasizes the responsibility architects bear in shaping the future of the profession. This session, led by a panel comprising seasoned architectural leaders and emerging architects and professionals, will feature insightful presentations and discussions. Join us post-meeting or a social gathering from 5 – 7 pm at a to-be-determined location.

Dive into the diverse experiences of these professionals as they shed light on their practices’ mentorship approaches, catering to professionals at all levels. Explore the intricacies of the various staff engagement and development programs, gaining valuable insights into effective mentorship strategies. The course culminates in a moderated question and answer session, incorporating queries from both the moderator, the panel, and the engaged audience.

Whether you’re an experienced architect or an emerging professional, this course promises to deliver best practices for mentorship, drawing from the wealth of experiences shared by seasoned and budding professionals alike. Designed for individuals at different stages of their careers, this event welcomes a diverse audience, specifically catering to design professionals. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner or just starting in the field, the content is crafted to be inclusive and relevant for all.

Beyond design professionals, the session extends its reach to architecture practice human resource managers, business managers, as well as marketing managers and directors. The comprehensive nature of the content ensures that participants from various roles within an organization can glean valuable insights.

Learning Objectives

  • Comprehend the importance of mentorship. Understanding the pivotal role mentorship and hands-on experience play in the professional development of the emerging architect.
  • Examine and compare diverse mentorship strategies used within different architectural practices.
  • Gain insights into effective staff engagement and development programs. Learn how to implement these programs into one’s own architectural practice.
  • Identify key milestones and considerations for career progression within the field of architecture.

Submitted for AIA CES approval.